Bella Sera Organic Mattress
About us

Bella Sera is a family owned and operated business in Fort Collins, Colorado. As a family with a chemically sensitive individual we take providing high quality and low cost organic mattress options seriously. Our inspiration came from our own experience with the mattress industry. After purchasing a mattress at a local vendor we opened it to find the whole house became filled with the smell of solvents outgassing from the mattress. We immediately called the vendor who told us to let it air out for a couple of days. I (who am not chemically sensitive) couldn’t even stand to keep the mattress in my garage and I knew it was never coming back in the house. That event started us on our quest for a better alternative. We soon found that there are many people who were suffering from headaches, nose bleeds, sore throats, etc. caused by the outgassing of their beds and from the chemical flame retardants that were being used to pass the new federal flame retardant requirements. As we became familiar with the industry and suppliers we decided to put together our own mattress with the best possible materials available and hold ourselves to the highest standards. That meant when our supplier said that many manufacturers sneak in polyester scrim for their quilting and that it would still pass organic certification, we said "no" and paid the extra for organic cotton scrim. We sell the same beds that our family and many friends sleep on and we believe they are as good or better than any on the market. As a small family business we are able to keep our prices low and pass the savings on to you while providing jobs in our community.